Taking control of your water quality is a revolutionary tool for optimal vitality.
Not all water is equal…
Our bodies are up to 70% water, thus drinking quality water and staying well hydrated is vital to our health. Water carries nutrients to cells, helps with digestion, and flushes out toxins which overall, helps our bodies fight illness and disease.
Water…a mysterious, highly impressionable substance that can receive and hold on to vibration because of its high resonance capacity, sensitivity, and memory. What kind of water makes up to 70% of your being? Is your water dead, treated with chemicals, lingering with heavy metals and the low frequency of old, rusted pipes - or is your water alive, alkalised, permeating the cells with pure, high vibrational life force?
Water should be alive and swirling with charged ions, ready to flood the body with pure energy. Join the revolution of water ionisers & recieve a lifetime of benefits.
Why choose Kangen Water?
Kangen water is a medical grade water ioniser that produced pure, alkalised, antixoidant-rich water that is optimal for the human body to consume, and requires to thrive.
It hydrates you on a cellular level
It decreases inflammation if the body
It balances body pH
It cleanses & detoxifies the body
It improves digestion, immunity and skin health
It boosts energy levels and keep the mind / body connection clear
The machine can also replace all beauty and cleaning products, allowing you to create a healthier, toxin & waste-free home.
Inquire about Kangen Water!
Get a Kangen Water Ioniser in your home today. Email Tamsin for a price list & further resources.
(+64) 211804500
Properties of Kangen Water
Alkaline rich water helps balance the body’s pH, which tends to be acidic because of our high acid diet, stress and exposure to environmental toxins. Disease such as cancer can not live in an body that is alkaline, by balancing your pH, you are not only hydrating and healing your body but you are removing the environment for unwanted disease to thrive.
Kangen Water is a substance with the most antioxidants in the world. The human body naturally produces free radicals and antioxidants to counteract their damaging effects. However, in most cases, free radicals far outnumber the naturally occurring antioxidants due to our current environment . Antioxidants benefit the body by neutralising and removing the free radicals from the bloodstream.
“Micro-clustered water, " such as Kangen Water, hydrates your body more quickly and effectively. Micro-clustered water also enhances energy levels and improves your overall aerobic capacity as well as prevents premature ageing. Because water molecules are smaller, they are better able to penetrate cell walls to be easier absorbed by the intestines, eliminating toxins from the colon and reducing acidic buildup in your body.
Simply put, active hydrogen molecules neutralise active oxygen (free radicals) in your body that cause ageing and disease. The more free radicals neutralised, the more toxins we can effectively flush from our system. Active hydrogen helps to create an alkaline buffer in the bloodstream, so that if you do consume something acidic, it is neutralised.
Kangen’s incomparable oxidation-reduction potential, micro-clustered water molecules, and alkalinity, all combine to make Kangen water one of the the best water sources available for hydrating the body.
Why is our potential of hydrogen (pH) important?
Our pH is measured on a scale ranging from 0-14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. In order to transport oxygen throughout the body, our blood needs to maintain a pH level of approximately 7.35. Even though our bodies store excess alkaline reserves to buffer acids, if you’re eating a conventional diet filled with pesticides and processed foods, your reserve has likely depleted. As your blood's pH becomes too acidic, your body will move this acidic substances from the blood to your cells, allowing the blood to return to a healthy pH level of 7.35. As you can imagine, the oxidation is just as bad in your cells as it is your bloodstream.